Alexander Giovanni Snyder

Hello All!

Hello, and thank you for visiting my webpage! 

My name is Alexander-Giovanni and I am, a certified massage therapist and health educator, trained in a variety of western and eastern modalities. If you would like to know more about which specific modalities I have training in, feel free to locate and click on the "Services & Rates" page.

If you would like to book an appointment with me for a private session, please click "Contact Me" and send me an email or voice message leaving your name and contact information. I will return your call within 48 hours to confirm the appointment and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

The human body, just in it's structure and anatomical make up alone, is such an amazing and marvelous organism. As a health educator and manual therapist, I believe that in order for any healing to occur, each and everyone of us has to be willing to listen to our bodies, and make changes that will better allow healing to flow through. That being said, I myself am not a healer at all, YOU are the healer. My job is simply to educate, help guide, and facilitate the healing that your own body wants to give you. To any and all that allow me this amazing opportunity to be a facilitator in your own healing, I thank you and welcome you with open arms!  

Thank you for visiting, and see you soon.